Friday, January 7, 2011

Private nurse is on the way !

My dear friend,Susan, who is just finishing Nursing School is flying in this evening from Boulder to spend a few days with us. Girl's slumber party at Moffitt in my room tonight as she will be taking over Paul's cot.

I think I will nap a bit now.... She is just a few months shy of being an officially certifiable RN. After seeing the unselfish work they do, I would think they need someone to treat and take care of them  :  )


  1. Très bonne nouvelle de l'aide d'amie est toujours extra.

    PS Paul j'ai réussi avec tes instructions je suis impressionnée même si je n'ai pas réussi à mettre une phot

    Bisou je vous aime

  2. wow bravo Denise, je suis fier te toi!!

    bisous! finalement on a un blog multilingue.

    courage, une photo maintenant....
