Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ten Points For The Home Team

According to my test results, ten points for the home team...Visitor, nothing!
I went back to Moffitt today and for a change received some very good news!
The CT scans are all perfectly clean and my blood lab work was good.

It appears at this time I am cancer free,  based on all visual test readings - also have good heart function and the x-rays show all healthy bone around my reconstructed left leg.

The chemotherapy regimen will begin on Tuesday (March 1st) to go after any micro metastasis that may be trying to take up residence in another location. My port was surgically placed at the end of the afternoon. I definitely am sore from the procedure and feel like someone punched me hard in the right side of my chest. Thank god for gel packs and pain pills...we have become good friends through these past weeks of recovery.

The photo was taken before my procedure, and I think the reason that I am smiling is because I was finally lying down and comfortable. It was a long day starting with a 6:45am departure from home and culminating with the 4pm surgery. Paul and I were very tired but happy when we picked up our boys from doggie day care and made it home at 7:30pm to chill!

Today, for me, was one of appreciation for the simple pleasure of being able to make this journey and recognizing that I have been given a great gift, a chance to live and fight. I will continue to make the good fight and to try and use every precious moment that I am given in this human existence.


  1. Hurray, Home Team! You are amazing, Kathy - such a wonderful spirit, shining across the net in this pic. Outstanding scan results! Daniel & I keep you in our thoughts and prayers every day. Hugs to you, Paul & the boys.

  2. Hi Kathy!

    I'm so glad you are back home with doggies and Paul. It's great to hear you are cancer free. That is something worth celebrating for sure. We are here praying for you and sending you our love every day. I will call you soon.

    Love you,
    Isa, Ric, Filo & Bon-Bon

  3. I am happy to hear your good news! Glad you are home! Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers!!

  4. Hi Kathy - Just wanted to say Hi and let you know that Gary and I are following and sending out love and strength to you with every yoga practice. This is a tough road for you, and I know your positive attitude and willingness to fight are going to get you through. Much Love, Dee & Gary.

  5. Whew! Makes my day- so happy and proud of you. Keep it up! LOVE YOU!!!

  6. Great news, you're on the home stretch baby, have a great weekend!

  7. love and hugs (gentle ones:)) Nina

  8. Kathy,
    Your beauty shines through despite the adversities that you are facing. You are a shining example for all of us.
