Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Back to life

Today, I feel back in my life, and it is certainly great. This past weekend Paul and I went out with friends, entertained and went grocery shopping together. Life on a normal basis that is so easy to take for granted until you suddenly get pulled out of the game.

This morning, I drove myself to my PT session and then surprised everybody at Pilates with my appearance. It was wonderful to be there with Sherry, Michelle and all of my client/friends, who I have missed so much. It is the first time since New Year's Eve (the last time I was there) that cancer and recovery did not seem like 'The Main Event.'

Friends and daily life go on like a river's current and today I cast my little boat and enjoyed the ride.


  1. Kathy,
    Congrats on reaching another milestone! Driving yourself to PT! I'm impressed! You are in my thoughts & prayers often! Sending you much love!

  2. I´m so glad that you could go and see the studio and all your friends.
    I bet they were surprised to see you ´pop ´in ;)"
    I can just imagine their faces.
    Keep doing that it will defenetely give you a lift.
    Sending you strenght and much love !

  3. Kathy, your strength and tenacity never cease to amaze me. I've told you before, you are providing all of us with a road map on dealing with cancer and continuing to stay remain "normal."
