Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Week That Was

Chemo Brain
I am happy to say that this week has been completed and is finishing well. It has been a week of the "chemo chick" experiencing "chemo brain" and all I can say is ....Big Wow!

If you remember the big rain storm on Tuesday morning you have the back drop for my stupid story on myself. I had been struggling since last Sunday to keep my mind and psyche afloat due to a weird chemical shift that made me stupid and basically depressed beyond my control.

So on Tuesday morning in this unpleasantly altered state I struggled out the door to my physical therapy appointment in advance of the storm. I basically lost my keys and phone while trying to get packed up in the car. My frustration won, so I opted to get the extra set of keys and forget about the phone. A few blocks away from home I braked and my "lost" keys flew off of the roof and landed on the hood of the car. Oops...jumped out retrieved them and continued on.  Wait, gets worse.

After my appointment I came home in the down-pour thinking about my phone and having the suspicious feeling it had been with the keys. Miraculously, I saw it in the middle of the street getting washed by the rain. The happy ending is that after being dried out, it is working again : ).
Thursday morning ushered in the return of a more pleasant me with my more normal brain and sense of self....the self that I know. I will spare the details of a multitude of small incidents and blues hat occurred over those four miserable days!

Riding 90 Days After Surgery
The big news is I can begin to ride a bike again as I have enough range of motion in the knee to clumsily push the pedal around. Paul took me shopping and I have a new ride. It is a step through frame (girl's bicycle) so I no longer have to do a leg swing over for "entrances and exits" on my rides like I needed to do on my now former bike. I am only riding in about 15 minutes at a time right now until my replaced knee joint can handle more. It is so great to see the potential for one more thing returning back into my life that represents normalcy. I am a regular Easy Rider in my fantasy world :)

Hearts in the Driveway Keeps Cancer Away
A wonderful Paul story....I returned home last Saturday afternoon to artwork in our driveway. His pressure cleaning turned into hearts he had painstakingly traced into the pavement for me!

This is the best simple "I Love You" expression a girl can get. Of course it must remain this way so I can be reminded how very lucky I am every time I come and go from home. Home Is Where The Heart Is!!!!!!!

Today was a "when you get lemons make ..." kind of day. We have so many on our tree so I made Limoncello, lemon sorbet and lemonade. Life is truly good and all I can say is what a difference a week can make : )


  1. Love reading your blogs... you guys are awesome.
    We're back... with the hands of time doing a little "slight of hand";jet-lag! Talk to you soon, M&J

  2. Kathy,
    That chemo brain reminds me of my usual absent mindedness. You are going through your treatments with an amazing perspective!! So proud of you!! Stay strong!!

  3. I can't believe that I just noticed the hearts today. Who knows how many times I have driven or walked by your house and not noticed. Paul was riding his bike by and gave me your blog name so I could keep up with your progress.

    My thoughts are with you!
    Jan (around the corner on Overbury)
