Monday, March 21, 2011

Breaking Away

This weekend Paul and I went to Gainesville to visit friends and celebrate spring. Basically, for me it was a bit like a jail break from cancer and my ongoing recovery from my surgery on January 5th.

The idea came when we were walking around the neighborhood last weekend admiring the azaleas and feeling the joy of spring in the air. I had a pang of nostalgia for Gainesville where I had lived for 12 years prior to moving to Sarasota to dance with the ballet. The flowers are amazing there in the springtime and my astute husband did not miss a beat and said, "so, let's go!".
Ric - Kathy - Isa
My friend Isa from my dance years in Gainesville was thrilled when I contacted her and she insisted we come and stay with her and hubby, Ric, who I also danced and toured with. So with very little planning involved we escaped our current life with all of it's complications and hit the road!
This weekend trip made a huge difference in my current reality and also became a vehicle that transported me back in time. We visited not only the town but we all went to an ashram, Temple of the Universe, for a Sunday morning celebration and meditation. The man who began it all in 1975, Mickey Singer, is still the temple's guiding light. To put it in perspective to my past life, he was my neighbor for all of the years that I lived there and now owns and lives in the same house and on the property that I had lived on for those twelve years. He was not only happy to see me, he took the four of us on a road trip to see all of the growth and changes on the now vast property that is all part of the Temple and a tour of the house.
It was a treat to touch the space of my young adult years and I am now completely infused with a joy and light that comes from connecting my past with my present and realizing that there is no longing for what was, only a deep sense of peace and purpose to be exactly where I am today.

I am apparently glowing with the old twinkle in my eye when I smile according to our neighbors evaluation when they saw me, yesterday, after we returned home. I have more to smile about this week as I will have dear Susan from Boulder here with us and Friday will be the Gala to celebrate Sarasota Ballet's 20 years and it's founder, Jean Weidner, who was responsible for my coming here to dance. That fortunate move is what led me to meeting the love of my life, Paul.

Next week on Tuesday , when I return to Moffitt for round two of chemotherapy I will be rested and ready for battle with a clear vision of the finish line. I feel that now much of the bad part of my journey is behind me and the big adventure of the rest of my life in front of me! I do declare I just heard my roar!


  1. You do write beautifully ;)"
    Really, you could make this a your story , a book like. "My life after the big news" , or "the story of a dancer" or "The truth brings out the real friends" or "how to live the life to the fullest" I love to read your story.
    We will be in Florida Madeira Beach from the 26th of March until the 23rd of April.
    I will call after your next session , when you will write about how you are doing ;)"
    Good luck , will pray for you ;)"

  2. Dear Kathy,

    Things do happen for a reason. I guess we just have to turn them into good things no matter how tough they seem to be. I know this is much easier said than done. Your friend Liisa is right, you are a gifted writer. Maybe you needed something to bring out this incredible passion in you.

    The gift of having you here this weekend was truly ours. And of course spending time with your sweetheart of a husband was also very special. Special friends never fade away, we come to each other for energy, support and love. We remind each other of what is truly special and essential in life.

    Come back so we can visit Mickey again together!

    Love you,

  3. What an excellent idea about Gainesville! You and Paul and so great!
